Sample Occupations

  • Computer Programmer
  • Software Developer/Applications
  • Information Security Analyst
  • Web Developer
  • E-Business/E-Commerce Specialist

Key Ideas/Standards

  1. Identify and apply the systems development process.
  2. Define and analyze systems and software requirements.
  3. Create effective interfaces between humans and technology.
  4. Develop software using programming languages.
  5. Test, debug, and improve software development work.
  6. Integrate a variety of media into development projects.
  7. Develop Web and online projects.
  8. Develop databases.
  9. Develop software for a variety of devices, including robotics.
  10. Develop intelligent computing.


What standards have we hit so far? Which assignment do they relate to? What standards are you looking forward to learning more about? What other careers can you benefit from being in this pathway?

  • The standards we have hit are:
    • Devloping databases - when we did the Python Lists and Dictionaries assignment
    • Develop Web and online projects - when we made our flask repository and fastpages
    • Develop software using programming languages - when we made tables using HTML & Javascript, as well as the Python Quiz
    • Test, debug, and improve software development work - when we did error testing and also learned to debug cells
    • Integrate a variety of media into development projects - when we added links, images, and videos to our flask and fastpages
    • Create effective interfaces between humans and technology - when we made an app using Applab that was based on user input and had many interactions
  • Some standares I am looking forward to are:
    • Develop software for a variety of devices, including robotics
    • Develop intelligent computing
  • Some careers we can benefit from being in this class are Computer Programmer, Software Developer/Applications, and Web Developer