Collegeboard Notes

Essential Knowledge

  • The purpose of computing innovations is to solve problems or to pursue interests through creative expression.
  • An understanding of the purpose of a computing innovation provides developers with an improved ability to develop that computing innovation
  • Program inputs are data sent to a computer for processing by a program. Input can come in a variety of forms, such as tactile, audio, visual, or text.
  • An event is associated with an action and supplies input data to a program
  • Events can be generated when a key is pressed, a mouse is clicked, a program is started, or any other defined action occurs that affects the flow of execution.
  • Inputs usually affect the output produced by a program.
  • A program is a collection of program statements that performs a specific task when run by a computer. A program is often referred to as software.
  • A code segment is a collection of program statements that is part of a program.
  • A program needs to work for a variety of inputs and situations

Categories of Innovation

  • Applications:
    • Games
    • Social Media
    • Business
    • Productivity
  • Physical Devices:
    • Computers
    • Smart phones/tablets
    • Smart “Things”
    • Wearables
  • Systems:
    • E-Commerce
    • Cloud Services
    • E-mail

Innovations created for a Purpose

Guiding Questions:

  • Why does the computing innovation exist?
  • What problem(s) does the computing innovation solve?
  • What does the computing innovation allow us to do that we could not do before?

What is a program?

A program is a collection of statements.

  • A statement is a single command
  • A group of statements is called a code segment
  • Code segments are executed according to the rules of the programming language
  • A program is often referred to as software

Collegeboard Quiz Results

This is a screenshot of the Collegeboad Program Purpose quiz.

Final Project


My group had a couple of ideas, but here is our best/main one:

  • A random quiz generator. Save notes in the website and the alogrithm uses the notes to genrate questions for a quiz. The quiz is then scored and the topics missed are highlighted

This is good for our educational purpose because this project has complexity and a solid purpose that strives to help people.

This project is also going to hold team members’ interest for 8 weeks because this project can always be improved - whether it be the ideas behind it or the code running the program - and the code will also take time to be finished. This project is pretty complex - not so much that we are uninterested or demotivated - but enough so that we can’t finish it in just a few days.

This project can be used by people beyond the 8 weeks. This program is built so that people can use it. Whenever people input in notes, those notes will be saved and quiz questions will also be generated based on those notes (i.e, Customer Needed).

This project has potential to be used for Create Performance Task submission because it fits the criteria for the collegeboard submission. The project is complex, uses data abstraction, contains lists and dictionaries, stores data, and is able to be tested.