Outline Of Course App For Code.org
This is a post that contains the outline of The Course app that Aditya and I made for APCSP
The Course app will basically have various courses listed in it. Each course will have their own description, a brief of the syllabus and a personal experiance note. This app will help students to get a better idea of what they are getting into if they take this course. This will have a home page which will take you to a course catalog page. The course catalog page will contain different buttons which when clicked will take you to their respective course pages. In the course pages we will have description part of syllabus and a personal note from a student.
Home Page
The home page will contain a button and a picture with the title.
- When the button is clicked you are taken to the course catalog. Course catalog is shown.
- The Picture will contain the title of the App
Course Catalog
This page will contain many buttons, each for a diffrent course
- The buttons will be titled with the name of the course
- When the button is clicked it will take you to the respective course page
Course Page
This Page will contain
- A description of the course
- A personal note
- A brief of the syllabus and what to expect
Add Notes Page
This page will contain
- An input box where people can write in a note
- A button called save note that saves the user’s input
Notes Screen Page
This page will contain
- A list of all the notes that the user has inputted
- The list will contain buttons title with the day that the user has inputted the note
- Clicking on the button will take you to another screen that shows the content of the note