Collegeboard 2018 Practice MCQ
Blog about the 2018 Practice MCQ on Collegeboard
I got a 58/66, which is around 87%.
Missed Questions
Question # | Why I got it wrong |
6 | I got this question wrong because I didn’t know what the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) was. |
23 | I got this question wrong because I was confused about redundant routing. I just chose the picture where there was a direct path between P and S but I should’ve chosen the one with the least paths between P and S. |
39 | I got this question wrong because I was unsure about open standards and protocols. I didn’t know that it allowed hardware and software to be build by different manufacturers so I just guessed that it had to do with reuse of materials. |
43 | I thought that the number of steps was too much to b e considered reasonable. Even though it seems like a lot, it is actually reasonable because it increases at a linear rate. |
46 | I forgot the definition of an undecidable problem. No algorithm can solve an undeciable problem for any program or input but I thought that it could, just not in reasonable time. |
47 | I was being careless on this problem. The sender’s keys don’t matter if the sender uses the recipient’s key to encode the message. So since the public key was used, the recipient’s private key is needed for decryption. |
60 | I kind of forget what documentation was. Documentation is like comments in the code, and reducing documentation will increase the complexity of the program. |
64 | I was also being clueless and careless on this problem. Cloud computing allows files to be shared easily, which can cause concerns about illegal distribution of others’ properties. |