
I got a 45/50 or a 90%


Questions I missed Why I missed it
Question 17 I misclicked the right answer. I knew the answer was B but I somehow clicked C.
Question 27 I got this question wrong because I thought all the other answer choices did not show lossless transformation. In reality, the others can be lossless if there is a way to revert back to the orginal, which is what the correct answer does.
Question 36 I got this questions wrong because I was slightly confused with what heuristic meant. I thought the question was asking where a simple algorithm could be used but it was asking where a simple approach could be used for a very timeful problem.
Question 37 I got this question wrong because I thought a quadratic time complexity was an unreasonable amount of time when it actually is reasonable.
Question 49 I got this question wrong because the code segment I chose compares the first element to itself as well, always resulting in true. The correct code segment starts at index 2 and also accounts for the exception of index 1 by subtracting the length of the list by 1 as well.