CPT Planning
This is a blog post that contains the plans for my CPT project
I will do something similar to my Tri 2 project, where I have a table with like and dislike. Instead of like and dislike and delete (CORS policy is too hard). I will do something like a notes page, where users can write a note in a table and save their thing. If possible, I will add a delete so that users can delete their note.
I want my frontend to look more cooler and more interactive so that users are more likely to use my program. I want something bright and colorful and I plan to add some sort of animations. Ultimately, frontend is not the most important and will only be added if there is time.
I will change the CORS policy so that delete and possibly update will be allowed. I will also change the theme of my program to not be cars, but instead notes. I will also change the database so it fits my new theme better.