

  • Greater than: >
  • Less than: <
  • Greater than or equal to: >=
  • Less than or equal to: <=
  • Equal to: ==
  • Not Equal to: !=
  • Boolean expression: A logical statement that is either TRUE or FALSE
  • Conditional: used to handle conditions in your program.
  • Nested conditional: an if or if else statement inside another if else statement.
  • Algorithm - A set of instructions that accomplish a task.
  • Selection - The process that determines which parts of an algoritm is being executed based on a condition that is true or false.


A conditional is a statement that affects the flow/outcome of a program by executing different statements based on the result of a true or false statement. That true or false statement is a boolean expression.

  • Used by selection process for program
  • Appear in almost every programming language

Boolean Expressions

Boolean operators produces booleans after it is used between two values

Relational Operators

Relational Operators can work between any two values of the same type known as operands, provided that the type supports such types of operators.

Nested Conditionals

Nested Conditional Statements consist of conditional statements within conditional statements.