Python Lists and Dictionaries Post
Using lists and dictionaries in python code.
- InfoDb
- For Loops and Index
- Outputting in Reverse Order
- Other list methods
- Using While Loop
- Adding to a Dictionary
- Python Quiz
InfoDb = []
# Append to List a Dictionary of key/values related to a person and cars
"FirstName": "John",
"LastName": "Mortensen",
"DOB": "October 21",
"Residence": "San Diego",
"Email": "",
"Owns_Cars": ["2015-Fusion", "2011-Ranger", "2003-Excursion", "1997-F350", "1969-Cadillac"]
# Append to List a 2nd Dictionary of key/values
"FirstName": "Sunny",
"LastName": "Naidu",
"DOB": "August 2",
"Residence": "Temecula",
"Email": "",
"Owns_Cars": ["4Runner"]
# Appended my own info
"FirstName": "Tay",
"LastName": "Kim",
"DOB": "May 13",
"Residence": "San Diego",
"Email": "",
"Owns_Cars": ["None"]
# People can input their own info
"FirstName": input("name "),
"LastName": input("last name "),
"DOB": input("DOB "),
"Residence": input("residence "),
"Email": input("email "),
# Print the data structure
Car_Brands = ["Honda", "Hyundai", "Kia", "Tesla", "Lamborghini", "Ferrari", "Bugatti", "Toyota", "Porsche", "Mustang", "BMW", "Mercedes"]
# Using a for loop to iterate through list
for i in Car_Brands:
# printing all the values
Outputting in Reverse Order
It is possible to output data in a reverse order. In this example, I determine if an inputted word is a palindrome. I first iterate through the inputted word the opposite way, or reverse order, and then if the reversed order is equal to the regular order, then I output that the word is a palindrome. If not, then I say the inputted word is not a palindrome.
def is_palindrome(prompt):
print(prompt[::-1]) # iterates through the word in the reverse order
return prompt[::-1] == prompt # returns if the reverse order is the same as the regular order
word = input("Enter a word: ")
if is_palindrome(word.lower()) is True: # If the reverse is the same as regular
print("{0} is a palindrome!".format(word))
print("The provided word is not a palindrome.")
Other list methods
Lists can have a variety of methods performed on them. A couple being .append()
or while loop
. In this example, I use .append()
and .lower()
with a for loop
. I first make a list that I add dangerous animals. Then, I append another value. I made sure to make all the inputs have weird capitalization. Then, I terated through the range of the length of the list. I also made all the list values lowercase and then I printed all the values.
Dangerous_Animals = ["Box Jellyfish", "African CAPE BuFfalo", "BLAck MambA", "Blue-RINGED octopus"] # made a list with dangerous animals, has weird capitalization
Dangerous_Animals.append("Cone SnAIl") # added a new list value
for i in range(len(Dangerous_Animals)): # iterates through the range of the length of the list
Dangerous_Animals[i] = Dangerous_Animals[i].lower() # made all the values lowercase
Using While Loop
While loops
can also be used with a list. In this example, I used the same list as before. Then, I defined i as 0. Then I used a while loop so that while i was less than the length of the list, the output was equal to the list at index of i. I printed the output and I incremented i by 1 each time.
Dangerous_Animals = ["Box Jellyfish", "African Cape Buffalo", "Black Mamba", "Blue-ringed Octopus"] # used the same list as before
i = 0 # defined a variable, i
while i < len(Dangerous_Animals): # only runs while i is less than the length of the list
output = Dangerous_Animals[i] # output equals each value when the list is at index of i
i += 1 # increments i by 1 each time
Adding to a Dictionary
You can also add or create new keys and values to a dictionary data set. This can also be done with input. In the example, I first created a dictionary with pokemon names as the keys and their type as values. I then added a new key and value and I also used input to add a new value and new key.
My_Dict = {
"Pikachu": "Electric-type",
"Charizard": "Fire-type",
"Blastoise": "Water-type",
"Venusaur": "Grass-type",
"Snorlax": "Normal-type",
"Garchomp": "Dragon-type",
"Lucario": "Fighting-type",
"Darkrai": "Dark-type",
"Arceus": "Normal-type",
} # defined a new dictionary
My_Dict["Reshiram"] = "Dragon-type" #Added new key and value into dictionary
My_Dict["Articuno"] = input() # Added new value with input
Python Quiz
I made a quiz using the InfoDb, list of dictionary. In this example, I defined a function with prompt as a parameter. I also defined a variable word, so that it was equal to the user's input. I also added 2 new variables, that defined the number of correct answers and the number of questions. I then printed a short intro that said "Hello, you will be asked (the amount of questions) short questions." I then made a list of dictionaries (InfoDb) with the questions as the keys and the answers as the values. I then used a for loop to iterate through all the dictionary keys and values. If the word (user's input) for each question was equal to its respectable answer, then it printed "Answer is correct" and added the number of correct answers by 1. If the word wasn't equal, then an incorrect answer resopnse was pinted. At the end, I printed the amount of questions the user got correct out of the total questions.
def Python_Quiz(prompt): # Defines function that takes 'prompt' as a parameter
global word # so that word can be called outside function
print ("Question: " + prompt) # setup for each question
word = input() # the variable word is the user's input
return word
questions_number = 5
correct_answer = 0
# 2 variables for the number of questions and number of correct answers
print("Hello, you will be asked " + str(questions_number) + " short questions")
# short intro
My_Quiz = [{
"What is the answer to this math problem: What is f(4) if f(x) = 3x/x-3": "12",
"What is the most popular religion in the world?": "Christianity",
"What is the capital of the U.S?": "Washington D.C.",
"What is the molar mass of Carbon-12?": "12 g",
"How many moles of water are in a 3.0 gram sample?": "0.17",
}] # makes a list of dictionaries with questions as the keys and the answers as the values
for dict in My_Quiz: # for all dictionary stuff in the InfoDb
for questions, answers in dict.items(): # both keys and values
Python_Quiz(questions) # the prompt is the questions
if word == answers: # if the user's answer is equal to the correct answer
print("Answer is correct")
correct_answer += 1
print("Answer is incorrect")
print("You scored " + str(correct_answer) + "/" + str(questions_number))
# prints how many correct answers out of total questions