2 Trimester Planning

  1. Me and my team used Night at the Museum to show off our projects to parents and peers, and in doing so, we were able to ask for feedback. We got inputs from a variety of different users who told us what they liked in our project and what they wished they saw in our project. Some also pointed out what they didn’t like. All of these inputs are very valuable because they aid in the process and give us better ideas of what we need to work on / implement.

  2. Based on our feedback, we will try to add a program that will enable people to sign multiple words, instead of just single letters. We will also try to improve the game so it shows the letter instead of just the sign so that users can learn which letter is which sign. We want to also try to implement an upload function, where people can upload pictures of their signs and our model will translate it into English. As for login, I want to try to implement a user profile picture and working update function. I also want to get the sign out working, where all cookies are deleted, and enable delete only for admin.

Blog on Team

  1. The beginning of our presentation was mainly for CS peers, so me and my group explained a bit of code and what our project did, but our audience was mostly small. Close to the end of our presentation was when we receieve a lot of guests. Families and parents came to watch our project and learn more about what it did. ONe thing that I believe our group did well was we slightly changed our presentation based on the questions the people asked. For instance, one parent was really interested in our project and asked multiple ‘techie’ questions. So, different from the other guests, we started explaining more of our model, the code, and the frontend-backend connection process. He seemed satisfied with our project and he enjoyed it as well. On the other hand, there was a family with 2 girls who had no interest in computer science whatsoever. To match to their tastes and interests, we tried to make the game and presentation more enjoyable and we didn’t explain the code as much. We showed a little bit of the data as part of the presentation but the girls seemed to enjoy our project and stayed for a whole ten minutes. There were a few things, though, that we could’ve one better in the presentation. One was that we didn’t try to attract customers on our own. Next time, we should be more active and try attract customers. Another thing was that our model was a bit inaccurate, so even though it didn’t hinder our presentation, it is something we must fix by next tri.

  2. Here are some pictures of me and our group sharing and presenting our project to others. Unfortunately, we were only able to get photos during the beginning phases with peers and friends, as we were too busy to take photos once the families and parents came in. All 3 of us were presenting and didn’t have the time to take pictures. But, we are satisfied that our ‘customers’ enjoyed our project.





Blog on Event

  1. 1 project I saw within Computer Science that I liked was Soham, Aniket, and Colin’s project Tangerines. They made a website that acts as a Canvas replacement. I liked how users could upload their assignment that teachers/admins had created and the teachers could then grade them. Their website looked good too (style wise) and a lot of their methods worked (i.e. flashcards). I did find some grows, such as a fully functional assignment process and the login. Overall, their presentation was good and I liked their project.


  1. One artwork that I saw from N@TM outside of Computer Science was from AP Stuio Art. I am not good at drawing, and I am always amazed when someone draws a really goo locking drawing. The artist for this artwork uses vivid and vibrant colors that pop out of the page and draws the viewers in. I like how the painting depicts a stone road in space. The planets look good and the artist adds lighting really well to their drawing.
