Tools and Equipment Overview Hacks

I love my tools because they help me become a better coder than I already am. It helps me smoothly maneuver through my coding journey, and helps me solve tricky problems without breaking a sweat. My tools also enable me to come up with ingenuitive solutions to problems, making me stand out in the crowd. I’m also less likely to be intimidatd by new challenges, and instead, eager to rush out and try and solve problems. These tools and equipment also makes me work more efficiently, as I can invest my time in finding shortcuts and other functionalities, and enables me to code much faster. Whenever I make a mistake, I am able to learn from them and gives me an even better understanding of my tools.

VSCode and Github Pages Setup Hacks

Take note and describe the type of shell commands that you are using through Terminal in this installation procedure.

  • wsl - This command is used to interact with the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL), which allows you to run a Linux distribution alongside your Windows system.
  • cd - The cd command stands for “change directory.” It’s used to navigate between different directories (folders) in the file system. For example, cd myfolder would take you to the “myfolder” directory.
  • git - Git is a version control system used to track changes in your code. Commands like git clone, git pull, and git push are used to manage and synchronize your codebase with a remote repository.
  • apt - This command is specific to Debian-based Linux distributions like Ubuntu. It’s used to manage software packages. For instance, sudo apt update refreshes the package list, and sudo apt install is used to install new software packages.
  • mkdir - Creates directories
  • ls - Lists files and directories within a directory
  • rm - Used to remove files

In the Development process, developers use Version control. Annotate in notes what you have learned about Version Control while doing this setup process.

Where are the files from GitHub placed on your local machine. How do you navigate to those files?

  • The files from GitHub the local machine are inside the directory that was specified when git clone was used. It can also be inside the directory that the user was in when git clone was run. The cd command can be used to navigate to the directory containing those specific files.

Where are the files placed in the GitHub Cloud, how do you navigate to those files?

  • You can navigate to these files on GitHub by visiting the repository’s URL. These files are on the GitHub Cloud Servers, and whenever local changes are pushed, the changes are uploaded to this location.

How would you update your Fork of student repository if teacher wanted you to pick up an update?

  • There are multiple ways. The coding way is to add the original as a remote “upstream”, and fetch the changes. After this, return to your local main branch and merge the changes - if there are merge conflicts, you must resolve. Another way is to find the changes in the original repo and manually copy and paste into your repo.

Put into words the difference between viewing GitHub Pages running on localhost machine versus running on a deployed server.

What is the localhost URL for your distribution? Can anyone else see it?

  • The URL for my localhost is http://localhost:4000/, and no one but me can see it. This is because I am running the website locally on my computer, which allows me to see my website before it is deployed to a live server.

What is the GitHub Pages URL for your distribution? Can anyone else see it?

  • The GitHub Pages URL for me is, and is available to anyone with internet access. This is because GitHub pages are publicly accessible and are published to the internet when I deploy it.