A-REEL Notes/Comments

2022 FRQ Question 2 - Classes - Emma:

Description of Problem:

  • Create a subclass Textbook given class Book
  • Create a substitution method which returns true/false
  • Access price, title, and edition
  • Use of inheritance and super keyword


  • Had helpful diagrams about OOP and class framework
  • Had complete FRQ
  • Shows understanding of their code as well as their problem


  • Show outputs of code

2023 FRQ Question 3 - Arrays and ArrayList - Ekam:

Description of Problem:

  • Analyze weather data - class called WeatherData
  • Records highest temperature from each day
  • Upper and lower parameters for ArrayList
  • Modify ArrayList to suit parameters
  • Access Remove method
  • longestHeatWave method to find the longest heat wave
  • When iterating forward, deleting causes list to shrink - you end up deleting the same one; iterate backwards


  • Has helpful diagrams to show code
  • Has an understanding of what to do and what’s required
  • Has complete FRQ
  • Talks about scoring guidelines


  • Can show outputs of the code
  • Can maybe show what they got on FRQ and why instead of just what is needed to get point

2023 FRQ Question 4 - 2D Arrays - Aliya:

Description of Problem:

  • moveCandyToFirstRow method, given column parameter (its only first row)
  • Check if current location and desired location has a candy
  • If current location does and desired location doesn’t, move candy
  • removeNextByFlavor
  • Given parameter of flavor, find that flavor


  • Finished FRQ and scoring with Collegeboard guidelines
  • Shows understanding of FRQ and code
  • Has FRQ running
  • Diagrams that complement the code


  • Have boolean statement to verify user input
  • Randomize candy flavor locations

2023 FRQ Question 1 - Methods - Luna:

Description of Problem:

  • AppointmentBook class - schedules appointment with teacher
  • 2 methods - isMinuteFree and reserceBlock
  • Search period for free minutes
  • Make appointment if free class is found


  • Has diagrams to describe and explain code/process
  • Provides explanation of Java methods and control structures
  • Has comments on code for explanation
  • Talks about struggles/challenges
  • Has outside resources
  • Has complete FRQ


  • Can show outputs of the FRQ
  • Show scoring related to Collegeboard guidelines

2015 FRQ Question 4 - Classes - Raunak:

Description of Problem:

  • NumberGroup interface with method Contains
  • Class Range implements NumberGroup
  • Represents range of consecutive integers between min and max
  • Contains method - checks if a given number is stored in groupList


  • Shows understanding of code
  • Has complete FRQ


  • Can score using collegeboard guidelines
  • Can show outputs or FRQ running
  • Has multiple questions on same blog so it is confusing which one was his

VACTQ Notes/Comments

2021 FRQ Question 1 - Methods - Vinay:

Description of Problem:

  • WordMatch class
  • ScoreGuess method
  • Calculates score of the guess by seeing how many times the guess appears
  • FindBetterGuess method
  • Compares two guesses and sees which one is better


  • Has complete FRQ
  • FRQ up and running
  • Understanding of code as well as problem


  • Could have made the code shorter - better method to complete problem
  • Show score from Collegeboard

2021 FRQ Question 2 - Classes - Haoxuan:

Description of Problem:

  • CombinedTable class
  • CanSeat method - determines if a certain amount of people can be seated at a table
  • getDesirability method returns the desirability of the table - # of people
  • setViewQuality method sets a new viewQuality to the value


  • Has complete code
  • Has outputs + FRQ running
  • Shows understanding of the problem


  • Can provide more explanation of the problem
  • Have scoring with respect to guidelines

2021 FRQ Question 3 - Arrays and Arraylist - Colin:

Description of Problem:

  • MemberInfo class contains arraylist of ClubMembers
  • addMembers and removeMembers methods
  • Have parameters - names, graduation year, standing status
  • Print all good standing members


  • Has images but they don’t appear
  • Description of problem
  • Comments that describe code


  • Have working images
  • Show outputs and score with Collegeboard

2021 FRQ Question 4 - 2D Arrays - Aaron:

Description of Problem:

  • ArrayResizer class
  • isNonZeroRow method which returns true if all elements in a certain row are not zero
  • resize method returns new 2D array containg only rows that are non zero
  • Should be same order as original


  • Has extensive description of each method and explains their use/code/etc.
  • Complete FRQ
  • Shows understanding of code and has comments


  • Can show scoring as well as outputs