CSP Projects

Study Website - Practice Nexus

  • My very first project in CSP was focused on helping people study
  • There were three different quizzes - Math, geography, and SAT
  • I created the API for the SAT quiz and added the score functionality
  • Backend Link
  • Frontend Link

What I learned:

  • How to use Python in the backend
  • Create an API using Python with endpoints
  • Access the backend in the frontend
  • Basic CSS and HTML
  • Fetching using Javascript

Cars Project -

  • A website that focused on electric vehicles so that users could make educated decisions on EV purchases
  • My contribution was a like and dislike table, where people could add cars and like/dislike them so that others could see the most popular cars
  • Created Add, Delete, and Update methods in the Python backend
  • Backend Link
  • Frontend Link

What I learned:

  • My first experience with CORS
  • Add, Update, Read, and Delete functions in Python
  • More Javascript and HTML experience

NBA Stats Project - Petite Pandas

  • Allowed users to see the stats for their favorite NBA teams
  • Utilized Pandas and Numpy to sort, extract, and visualize data
  • Graphs and tables are created in the backend and shown in the frontend
  • Backend Link
  • Frontend Link

What I learned:

  • I learned a lot during this project, mainly Python Pandas and Numpy
  • I also worked a lot with Javascript OOP because of displaying the graphs and fetching the data

CSA Projects

Cosmic Carnage - Eaters

  • A website that allows users to post images, have fun, and study
  • A very interactive game and quiz with their own respective leaderboard
  • Spacebook where users can post images and others can view them
  • Backend Link
  • Frontend Link

What I learned:

  • Was an introduction to Java - I used a Hashmap to create the Quiz Questions and Answers
  • Worked on javascript OOP with fetching data and posting data
  • Also worked on Javascript game
  • Experience with Java Spring

ASL Recognition - GPT Warriors

  • A website to provide users with knowledge of American Sign Language
  • Memory game where users showed a sign just shown to them
  • Functional login page with cookies and an AI model in the backend
  • Backend Link
  • Frontend Link

What I learned:

  • Worked with cookies in both the frontend and backend
  • Java Person API and Javascript/HTML coding for login, signup, and profile

Stocks AI - CSA-AI

  • A website primarily focused on stocks and predicting them using an AI model - LSTMs
  • We also had classes and utilized online APIs to show stock prices
  • I worked on an ASL login and signup page that implemented featuresd of my previous project
  • Backend Link
  • Frontend Link

What I learned:

  • Recored videos in the frontend and posted to the backend
  • Learned how to retrieve frames from the video and post MNSIT data to a CSV file
  • Prediction API

Experience & Activities

Research Experience for High School Students (REHS)

  • Conducted a research project on predicting radioresistance using cancer gene mutations under Dr. Tsigelny and Dr. Kouznetsova
  • Presented results and research process at the Project Showcase in front of several SDSC scientists and peers
  • Learned how to test results using the WEKA machine learning model and experienced how to utilize online databases for research
  • Presentation Link

What I learned:

  • I learned how to use machine learning models
  • Used code in a real-world application to reformat my data
  • Learned how to research and analyze online resources/articles/databases
  • Learned how to conduct scientific research