My Score

I got a 24/40.

Missed Questions

Question # Why I missed How I will improve
3 I didn't know that dividing an int by a double results in a double value. But even if I didn't know, I could still have gotten the right answer because casting won't even work since it casts everything. Think harder when solving problems.
5 I didn't know that a compiler error will occur when the parameters for the constructor are the same in the parent class (String, String, Boolean) I will study inheritance more.
6 If there is no parenthesis next to what the double is casting, it only casts that one number. Understand casting more.
7 I read the answers wrong and I wasn't focused enough. Be FOCUSED!!!
8 I didn't know you could assign int values to double. I also didn't notice that n1 and n2 were not defined. Read the code much more efficiently.
9 I clicked the wrong answer. Know what choice I choose.
11 The code actually prints down to 0 because num-- is in the front. Read the code carefully.
12 .getName() only works if it is not null, so we have to determine if object is not null using borrower != null. Gain a deeper understanding of objects and runtime errors.
13 I forgot to take the opposite of and, which is or. FOCUS!
14 Because of the return statements, the other if statements are not used. Look through the code carefully.
15 I clicked the wrong one (I think), or I forgot that the end for Math.random is not inclusive. Look at code carefully.
16 I didn't really understand what the code was doing. Look through the code carefully and try to make an educated guess if I don't know anything.
25 Since the loop starts from length - 1, the e from the apple is not included in the new string. Focus on the loops and their bounds.
31 The variable i in the choice 3 is the actual element, not the index. Focus on the code.
39 I found it hard to follow this code and I just guessed. Partially, I didn't know what compareTo returned. Focus on the code and remember what compareTo returns.
40 If the message method is removed from class A, the parent class, there will be a compile error because the obj1 is defined as an object of Type A, and therefore needs a method from its class. Remember that even though obj1 still returns the message method from Class B, it still needs the Class A.


This exam was quite disappointing for me because I did really bad. But, by looking at similar problems over and over again, I am learning the different problem types and their solutions. I am confident that I will get better, I just hope it is enough to get a 5 on the exam.