
# Check if Bash is installed
if command -v bash &> /dev/null; then
    echo "Bash is installed."
    echo "Bash is not installed."

# Check if GitHub is installed
if command -v git &> /dev/null; then
    echo "GitHub is installed."
    echo "GitHub is not installed."

# Check if VSCode is installed
if command -v code &> /dev/null; then
    echo "VSCode is installed."
    echo "VSCode is not installed."

# Check if Jupyter Notebook is installed
if command -v jupyter &> /dev/null; then
    echo "Jupyter Notebook is installed."
    echo "Jupyter Notebook is not installed."

# Check if Docker is installed
if command -v docker &> /dev/null; then
    echo "Docker is installed."
    echo "Docker is not installed."

# Check if Linux is running
if [[ "$(uname)" == "Linux" ]]; then
    echo "Linux is running."
    echo "Linux is not running."

Bash is installed.
GitHub is installed.
VSCode is installed.
Jupyter Notebook is installed.
Docker is installed.
Linux is running.

Frequent Linux Commands

Name and create blog notes on some Linux commands you will use frequently.

  1. ls - Lists directory contents
  2. cd - Changes directory
  3. mkdir - Makes a new directory
  4. rm - Is used to remove - can remove directories, files, folders - depending on what follows it (i.e. rm -rf)
  5. sudo - Gives authority to perform certain tasks
  6. cp - Copies files and directories; can also be used to create duplicate of files
  7. mv - Moves files and directories and renames them

Verify tools

Is there anything we use to verify tools we installed? Review versions?

For reviewing versions, most of the time we can use the --version command. For example, git --version will give the version of git installed. This also verifies that you have downloaded the tool.

Update repository

How would you update a repository? Use the git command line?

You can update a repository through the git pull command. If you do git pull origin ... then you are updating your repo with the latest changes from the remote repository.